Chapter: 116
Jay was slightly stunned at her words, but nodded solemnly and said, “Mr. Gerry is a renowned director in the industry. I was enlightened by him when I first started my career, and I have always been grateful to his kindness. I believe Mr. Gerry retired a few years ago and only serves as the vice president of the association."

Patricia's face Lit up.

“Mr. Gerry has not retired. He's just on vacation. He's planning on returning to make movies in the future. Well, you see, Mr. Gerry is on good terms with my father, so I especially called him about our current situation. He said he was willing to take over from Mr. Jackson as the chief director of Legend of Anne for a couple of days, but on the condition that the script supervisor must be changed."

Austin was a really major director; as famous as Francis in the film industry.

However, he was in his seventies. It was time for him to retire.

But Legend of Anne was in a very vulnerable place. They needed a competent director, and soon, or they may end up being a flop. Only a big and experienced director like Austin could step in and take the reins.

Despite knowing the gravity of this matter, Jay still hesitated.

“Do you mean Mr. Gerry wants Maria fired? Why? Has Maria offended him somehow?"

Jay turned to Look at Patricia.

Patricia was a shrewd woman. She immediately understood that Jay may have caught onto what she was trying to do, making excuses to fire Maria.

She shook her head repeatedly to defend herself.

“Mr. Gerry is a famous director. He doesn't even know who Maria is. It's just that he has his own team, and he works closely with his script supervisor. He is used to using his own team.”

Patricia paused for a moment, showing a pitiful Look, trying to get Jay to empathize with the situation.

“Maria has definitely done a good job these days. We can ask Mr. Bradley to give her a bonus before firing her. But the shooting must go on. If we want Mr. Gerry's help, we have to do things his way. And that means Maria must leave the crew."

Patricia gave a mock apologetic smile.

“Mr. Reed, all this is for the TV show," Patricia said, smiling meaningfully at Jay.

She knew well that Jay took his art very seriously, and had high standards when it came to anything he starred in. He would never allow anything to come in the way of that.

Austin was a director who was capable of completely replacing Francis. And now, he was willing to help as Long as the script supervisor of the show was replaced with his own man. In Patricia's view, this was a no-brainer for Jay. She believed that he would enthusiastically agree with this proposal.

With Jay's support, she could fearlessly negotiate with Jeremy, the president of Yeez Entertainment. After all, Jeremy would have no reason to say no.

After a few seconds of silence, Jay finally opened his mouth.