Chapter: 117
“I need to think about it."

It was obvious that Jay was hesitating.

The fact of the matter was, Jay had no reason to take time to think about it. If he had to choose between maintaining the quality of the show and Maria, he would choose the former without hesitation.

And yet, his intuition was telling him that Maria was capable of directing the rest of the show.

It was this mysterious intuition that kept him from immediately agreeing to Patricia's proposal.

Patricia was a little irritated, but she didn't dare to show it. After all, Jay was an award-winning actor.

"Mr. Reed, please believe me. I only went to these Lengths out of kindness. We have to make a decision as soon as possible. If you say yes, I will take you and Mr. Gerry to meet Mr. Bradley together."

Jay nodded, but he was determined not to give an answer right away. Instead, he bid goodbye to Patricia and sent her out of his lounge.

It just so happened that Lyndsey saw Patricia leave.

After all, her lounge was just opposite Jay's.

After Patricia left, Lyndsey walked into Jay's lounge and looked into his eyes.

“What did she want from you?"

Although Lyndsey looked gentle and sweet, she was forthright in character. She didn't like to beat around the bush and always asked things directly.

"Mr. Jackson won't be discharged from the hospital any time soon, so Patricia offered to ask Director Austin Gerry to step in and take over as director of the show."

Hearing this, Lyndsey was stunned for a moment.

But soon, her eyebrows knitted into a frown, and displeasure was written all over her face.

Right now, Maria was doing a great job as an acting chief director.

Patricia offering to find another director was an insult to Maria's ability. Lyndsey couldn't allow her idol to be looked down upon by anyone.

“You seem to like Maria. Do you know her well?" Jay asked, as if he had read Lyndsey's mind.

“Humph! I know her much better than you do."